2022 Winter Conference Sessions

Saturday, January 8th | 11:25AM – 12:15PM

Location: Student Union Room 1


The PROMISE-COMPASS (How to Achieve Work-Life Balance This School Year)
Clinician: Mickey Smith Jr.
Type: Innovation and Technology

Synopsis: Via livestream, Sound180 educator, Grammy Music Educator Award Recipient and 6-time Educator of the Year, Mickey Smith Jr. discusses his greatest accomplishment….a plan of action that creates a balance between work & home! He will explain: (1) the difference between a planner and having a plan of action and show you how to incorporate your plan into everyday life, (2) the importance of being a “sound-adult” every day in the class, (3) the Big 3 every educator needs, (4) and the 4 Ps to create a SOUND180 days of classroom instruction and home harmony.

Session Documents/Handouts

The Promise Compas