2022 Winter Conference Sessions

Friday, January 7th | 9:00AM – 10:15AM

Location: Music Building Concert Hall


Band Reading Session
Intentional Programming for Your Concert Band

This concert band reading session, led by Dr. David Vickerman, will include music of various levels with a focus on intentional programming of diverse and relevant composers. Dr. David Vickerman, 2015 winner of The American Prize in Conducting, is an Associate Professor of Music and the Director of Bands at San José State University.  In addition to conducting the Wind Ensemble and the new music ensemble, “Disrupt,” he teaches undergraduate and graduate instrumental conducting. Prior to his appointment at San José State University, he was the Director of Bands at The College of New Jersey as well as Director of Bands on the Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus. In addition to his duties at SJSU, he has served as the Associate Conductor of Great Noise Ensemble, in Washington D.C. and he is a highly sought-after guest conductor, having conducted numerous honor bands across the country.

Session Documents/Handouts

2022 Bay Section Director’s Reading Band