2022 Winter Conference Sessions

Friday, January 7th | 2:30PM – 3:45PM

Location: Student Union Room 1


Innovative Teaching: See the Sound Part 1
Clinician: Mickey Smith Jr.
Type: Innovation and Technology

Synopsis: Join Mickey Smith Jr. in part 1 of 2 sessions at this conference, and interact on lessons of innovation in music education. Educator. Encourager. Musician. Those are just a few ways that some would use to describe Mickey Smith Jr.  As a recipient of Grammy Music Educator Award for 2020, he has inspired both children and teachers through the motivational mixture of music and message. Through his love for the saxophone, he blends the roles of educator and entertainer to create a dynamic educational experience that entertains, educates and elevates everyone to excellence. Mickey Smith Jr. is dedicated to helping educators discover their sound. No matter what, the classroom challenge may be, he is here to help encourage others to keep on going. Visit https://mickeysmithjr.com/ to learn more about  Mr. Smith’s experience, accomplishments, and how he can be an encouragement to you and your students!