Surpassing La Cucaracha and The Mexican Hat Dance: The Importance of Diversifying Mexican-Inspired Repertoire for Instrumental Ensembles
Clinician(s): Sixto Montesinos
In this session Dr. Montesinos will present: (1) caricatures that limit thematic variety in Mexican-inspired repertoire for instrumental ensembles (2) Evidence of a lack of thematic diversity in Mexican-inspired repertoire for instrumental ensembles (e.g. bands and orchestras) as of January 2023. (3) The importance of diversifying Mexican-inspired repertoire for our band and orchestra students in 2023 and beyond. Why is this mission important? Why do our students care? (4) Ideas for composers, arrangers, editors, and educators to support diversifying this specific repertoire and surpass overused and stereotypical themes like “Fiesta” “La Cucaracha” or “Viva Mexico”.
Session Handouts